Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Day in the Life

Every so often I keep track of what a day looks like for each of my babies. I've got a 15 min. increment of a day where Andrew was about 18 months old. I sometimes make them very detailed, or other times make it just a casual account of what we did on a particular day. These days are a typical day, not some day where we have a field trip out, or some special occasion. I love to look back on these daily accounts to remind me of where we were at that moment in time. It's like a snapshot.

Here's a snapshot of a typical day right now, Logan is 8 months old:

Wake up around 7 to 7:30am. He's full from nursing from 5 to 7am off and on.
Place Logan on the Baby Björn potty and he usually does his business.
Dress him (more often than not!) :)
I shower while James interacts with him and gets ready for the day.
Logan goes downstairs with the other kids and James and sits at the table playing with his toys. He's not super interested in food, especially in the mornings he just wants to play.
Gets bundled in the car seat to take his siblings to school.
Falls asleep between 9:15am and 9:30am. If it's a running day for me, he falls asleep in the stroller and I transfer him when we get home. If it's not a running day he usually falls asleep in the van on the way home from the school. Again I transfer him.

He sleeps anywhere from 1 to 2 and a half hours. Recently I believe he's been going through a growth spurt so he's slept well, even with his teething. During his sleep time I take 15 min. at a time to do housework (thank you Flylady!)in various areas of the house. Laundry is also done at this time. I work quickly not knowing how long he's going to sleep. Every 45 min. I take a 15 min. computer break, juice/smoothie break or reading break.

Upon waking I will take him to his potty again, and more times than not he does a pee. It's fun to see someone so little on the potty! I'll have to take a photo and post it! He gets a some momma milk to fill him up. Then we pick up his brother Andrew from half day kindergarten. Have some park play time on the sunny days and head home on the rainy ones. Then it's lunch time.

At lunch Logan usually tries a new food if it's earlier in the week, or is getting a mix of the ones he's tried already. Still I think most of it still comes back out but he's really keen to try anything I put in front of him. Nori sheets, avocado, and bananas are the three we've done so far. He drinks water and I'd like to begin making very simple smoothies for him soon as well. Andrew gets a real kick out of the faces Logan makes while eating. Again I'll have to take a photo and post it! He also nurses either before or after eating.

Then there's a mix of doing household chores, playing games with Andrew, 15 min. of computer time total - 5 min. increments during the afternoon hours. I usually put him on the potty between 1-2pm so that he's done something before napping again. And this is also when I've been giving him a bath. One of our baths is useful over the kitchen double sink. He baths and soaks there while I do some clean up in the kitchen. Getting two things done at once has been great! Love to start dinner in a clean kitchen. Then he's ready for his second nap. Recently Logan's been falling asleep while I nurse him around 2pm. This presents a challenge as my daughter is done school at 2:45pm. He's usually in a deep sleep at that time and I don't like to wake him. Here's where having your parents just down the street comes in really handy! My mom and dad are great, and at a moment's notice if they are available, they will go to pick up Jasmine. This way Logan usually sleeps from 2 to 4 or 2 to 4:30. There have been times when his morning nap was shortened (due to running errands etc.) that he'll sleep for three hours in the afternoon! Great little sleeper, even with his teething (thank you teething necklace and Camilia). Actually he didn't have either today and slept 2 hours and 15 min.!

Again, once he wakes up he sits on the potty and usually goes. I don't force the issue. If he's fussy, or he hasn't gone within about 5 min. I thank him for trying and we go on with our day. He nurses sometime between his nap and dinner. Then I wear him while helping to make dinner, or getting homework done with the older kids. We all sit together for dinner and he experiments with his food and drink once again while sitting in his great hook on chair by Chicco. I highly recommend it! He's really figured out how to drink from a straw, the sippy cup is just a teething tool at the moment. Although I must say about 1/3 of the water goes in him while the other 2/3 comes out when he uses the straw.

He plays alongside us as we get the older two ready for bed, and do our evening routines. If he's fussy he nurses and is fine once again to play. Once the big kids are clean, brushed, read to and cuddled (he is a big part of that too) we settle in together and he nurses to sleep between 8:30 and 9:30pm. He's a pretty good sleeper in the evenings. He can sleep anywhere from 4 to 9 hours in a row. I'd say it's consistently around 5 hours to begin with. So he starts the night on his own but when he wakes I'm right there beside him and nurse him back to sleep. Sometimes he doesn't wake again until morning and other nights he needs more momma time. Best sleeper of the bunch at this age though.

And then it's 7am and the ebb and flow of our day begins again. With kids I do find they like routine but I've never been one to enforce a routine. Logan's happy with this rhythm right now (since spring break) and who knows how long it will last as it seems that once you find they settle into a routine and you get comfortable with it, it changes again. But for now I'm enjoying a little bit of consistency. And there you have it, a little glimpse into the Life of Logan as it goes this April, 2011.

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